Is There Such a Thing as Bad Luck?

I once met a man called “Lucky.” My garage door had failed and he was the repair man. I saw the name on his jacket and asked him about it. He said that until about 10 years before, everything had worked out just right in his life, hence the nickname. But then the wheel of fortune turned and illness and death followed, including the death of his wife. “Lucky’s” luck had run out.

Shakespeare had a sense of such things. Thus, in Hamlet, following the deaths of Polonius and Ophelia, we read the words, “…When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” More colloquial usage tells us that bad events come “in threes.” Same idea.

The other side of bad luck, is the good. Branch Rickey, the baseball executive, famously said,  “Luck is the residue of design.” Of course, he was talking about good luck and how careful planning and persistence helped create it, or made it look as if it had been created. And a woman of my acquaintance, someone who lost a parent early and a husband late, has only recently met the love of her life. Better to have good luck late than early, it would seem.

Still, if one reads Greek mythology, one finds Solon, a wise man, counseling that no one should consider himself (or be considered) happy, until the last possible moment of his life, because misfortune yet has time to occur. “Lucky” would agree.

Some believe that there is no such thing as luck: that you get what you deserve and you deserve what you get, a Karmic view of things. Churches of prosperity promote “right thinking and right living” in the belief that you will be rewarded in this life and the next for such action and the correct form of religious observance. And if we read the Book of Job, in the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) we find a man who has all manner of bad fortune thanks to a friendly wager between the angel Lucifer and God.

Job had been a prosperous, religious, happy, and good man. But he is made to suffer all sorts of loss and pain so that his devotion to God might be tested. Three friends come to ask him what he could have done to deserve such misfortune. Surely, they tell him, he must have done something iniquitous. Clearly, they don’t believe in the notion of “bad luck.”

Many years ago a social psychologist name Melvin Lerner proposed something called “the Just World Hypothesis.” Lerner contended that when we observe misfortune occurring to another person, we prefer to believe that the individual has done something to deserve the negative events befalling him. But, if it is clear that he did nothing, then we will tend to devalue him personally, in effect saying, “well, maybe he didn’t do anything to cause his problems directly, but he isn’t a good guy, so, in a way, he deserves what has happened anyway.”

Lerner maintained that people do this sort of mental gymnastics unconsciously in order to fend off the notion that something bad might happen to them. “Terror Management Theory” has picked up where Lerner left off, looking at how we manage and try to mute the anxiety caused by our mortal state.

You say you don’t believe in luck? Well then, you must believe that all disease and all accidents “happen for a reason,” that the explosion of a volcano, for example, is guided by some divine hand. But when those illnesses, accidents, and misfortunes target the innocent, especially little children who are raped or tortured, you will be hard pressed to find a reason that is adequate. “Ah,” some say, “we, on earth, don’t understand God’s ways; but surely, this will be for the best in the end.” The conversation is never ending, and it is unlikely that either side will persuade the other.

Finally, there is the question of how to define when a thing is good luck or bad. According to another Greek myth, Cleobis and Biton were the two sons of Cydippe, who needed to attend a religious festival at some distance from her home. However, oxen to draw her cart were not available, and so these two good young men yoked themselves to the cart and got mom to the festival on time.

Their act of devotion to their mother won wide praise, but since they were exhausted, they soon needed to nap. Cydippe, who also had been praised for having raised such offspring, prayed that her sons would receive the best that any man could obtain. And, ironically, this wish was granted in the form of the their painless deaths as they slept, dying after having received great accolades at the pinnacle of their lives; now they would not have to suffer whatever else might come as they aged.

Good luck? You be the judge.

The photo of four colored dice above is the work of Diacritica, sourced from Wikimedia Commons.

12 thoughts on “Is There Such a Thing as Bad Luck?

  1. “Dangerous” theological or metaphysical topic that usually gets people polarized because they believe that there has to be an “either or” answer. To me they are not mutually exclusive because I believe that we, as humans, exist in two dimensions simultaneously, human and spiritual. On a human level injustices and accidents of any kind do exist and we need to attend to them with our human heart instead of doing nothing and justifying it by the idea of the God,s will. At the same time, this does not exclude the purposefulness of events. Purposefulness and justice are different concepts. The concept of justice does not exist in a spiritual world. God is concerned with balance, which some call “higher” justice, he is not concerned with human justice. Human justice has to be our human concern and that, I believe, is God’s will for us. In other words, I believe that he wants us to validate our human experiences and do our human job of attending to those in need and correcting wrongdoings while allowing him to do his work on a different level.


  2. […] Is There Such a Thing as Bad Luck?. […]


  3. For me I think the only bad luck is bad karma good luck is good karma


    • drgeraldstein

      Your comment suggests that you believe the world is entirely just, even if the justice comes as a result of past behavior in another life. As you know, many would disagree. Still, I’m glad you wrote this, William, because it is a position that is held by a large group of people.


  4. There is such thing as lucky people. A person who are born in rich family is more fortune than those who was born in poor family. A highly gifted people in looks, intelligence are more successful in life than average people. We did not choose to be lucky, especially to be unlucky, but fate chooses us to be like that. Life is unfair, in general.


    • Yes, without question. Where you are born, the moment in history, the parents who raised you, etc. Thanks for underlining that point, Jun.


  5. I used to believe that it was all “bad luck” that I was born into a family that had such dysfunction. I lamented on whether it was “bad luck” or whether there was some divine role for me to play in Life.

    I now consider myself to have been neither unlucky nor lucky. It simply was. My parents had made choices that I had no say in and I became a victim of their ill choices in Life.

    I do know that having come through it, it’s made me both strong and weakened at the same time but, it has also opened my eyes towards other people’s dilemmas, pain, suffering and happiness. No one or nothing created the circumstances except my parent’s choices.

    Thank you for this piece.


    • There is a frankness about your engagement with the world, ponderinglifetoo. The data tells us that if we see the world too much as it “really is,” we run increased risk of unhappiness. Your courage is striking. Thanks for providing a worthy model.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you, Dr. Gerald Stein for your comment and the compliment.

    While I agree that there has to be some “magic” to Life, there are also realities that have to be faced…at least, by some. You are 100% right that without having some “magic thinking” so to speak or in CT terms, we do run the increased risk of unhappiness. However, for me, belief in something that is higher or has control over us, swooping down from the sky or whatever it is that one can believe, simply hasn’t done the trick for me. Please don’t get me wrongly. I do hold out hope for the betterment of situations. I have never let go of hope. I simply believe that it’s what we, ourselves do or don’t do, which gives us hope. To me, hope is the epitome of the road to happiness but, that’s just my experiences after a lot of prayer, rabbit’s feet, 4 leaf clovers and horse shoes which didn’t work.

    Perhaps, I need to have a glass of wine with you? 😉


  7. Yes, I’d happily clink glasses with you. Your stance is refreshing: take responsibility and make things better. Would that we all did so.


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